I was told by a friend today that I needed to post more, and it gave me the itch to write. I suppose the problem I have with posting frequently is that most of my days are the same. They are all significant to me, of course. There is usually a new word that one of the boys will pick up or something funny they will do that they have never done before. There are adventures to new parks and exploring a city that I still feel very little connection with even after living here for almost a year now. All of this seems very significant to me, but it's hard to take those events and turn them into something worth reading for someone who isn't head over heals in love with my boys like I am. Then again, who isn't head over heals in love with Micah and Canaan? :)
However, my dear friend Michelle told me that I could "write about whatever and it would be good." She is very sweet.
So, I'll go ahead and tell you about our day.
We started off pretty lazy, lying around the house with the boys. I made a doctor's appointment for Micah because he was getting a rash much like his brother who has strep throat. We took Canaan to an immediate care center near our home over the weekend because of a high fever and a rash and general fussiness. I had no idea that strep throat can cause a rash, but apparently it can. I figured that after a low fever and a similar rash, Micah also had strep throat, so I took him to the doctor this afternoon. His strep test came back negative, thankfully, but the doctor thought his rash looked like impetigo. I felt stupid for not knowing what it was while I was in the doctors office and pretended to know. As soon as I got in the car, I looked it up on my phone. It sounds a lot grosser than what Micah appears to have, but I was just told to put Neosporin on his rash and he gave him a prescription for an antibiotic in case it gets infected or he does end up getting strep from his brother. I think my doctor is a little antibiotic happy, but I guess if he thought it was necessary, I should give it to him. I'm not one of those people who thinks they are smarter than the doctor who went to school for a billion years.
After dropping off his prescription, we met Joshua and Canaan at a frozen yogurt bar. This was their second time eating frozen yogurt, and they were just as pleased as the first time. When we pulled into the parking lot, Micah saw Joshua's car and said, "Daddy!" I didn't realize he actually recognized his car until this afternoon.
After yogurt, we went to an indoor playground because Joshua and I weren't willing to brave the heat at the park today. That turned out to be a disaster. It's a cool place with bouncy houses and all kinds of little things to climb on and slide down and even a ball pit. I haven't seen a ball pit in FOREVER. The problems started when Canaan found a car to ride around in and then decided that it was HIS. Even after he moved on from it, if he saw another child playing in it, he automatically wanted it back. This brought on a LOT of tears. Micah tried to get in and Canaan bit his arm... hard. As in, he has bruises shaped like tiny little teeth on his arm now. Micah also fell down and reopened a scab on his nose and that looked lovely. Both babies left screaming and crying. It's one of those moments when you pass the other moms and try to not make eye contact because you don't want to see either the pity or the judgment. You just hold their hands, and walk steadily but quickly to the car while they whine and scream and pretend that you are the most patient person in the world and that their screaming isn't even phasing you. Thankfully, this doesn't happen much. It was getting a little late in the day for them to be out and the whole place was just a bit overwhelming for them, I think.
They cheered up quite a bit when we got them home and gave them some dinner and got them ready for bed. They both went quite willingly. I love them so much, and I love spending time with them, but one of the best moments in the day is when they lie down in their beds, hug their stuffed animals and reach for you to put their blankets over them and they say, "Nigh, nigh!" Makes my heart melt every. time.