The boys have been doing so many new things in the last few days! They keep doing things that surprise me, and the surprises are starting to get closer and closer together.
1. I'm pretty sure that when Micah said "Daddy" yesterday, he actually meant "Daddy." We were playing with Joshua's hat, I put it on and made a silly face, and Micah laughed and said, "Daddy." I put it on again later and he said it again.
2. Canaan has been crawling for a couple of weeks, but just in the last two days, he has started getting into the sitting position all by himself. Today, he crawled underneath the exersaucer and then sat up. I think he was trying to get in it, because he was putting his arms through the leg holes. I got him out and put him in the right way, and he looked like he got what he wanted.
3. When I sing, "The Wheels on the Bus," Canaan sings along when I get to the "The babies on the bus go wah wah wah" part. He makes the motion with his hands, though he doesn't quite bring them to his eyes, and says "wah wah wah." Or, sometimes, "Blah, blah, blah," but I know he is doing it either way.
4. They have started patting my back when I take them to their cribs because I always burp them then.
5. Today, Micah pinched me, and I said, "Ouch!" He smiled and said, "Ouch!" He has also been saying "duck" whenever we ask him to, but I know he doesn't actually know what a duck is. He is just starting to say any small, one-syllable words that we say.
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