I think I'm going a little stir-crazy. Thankfully, it is almost the weekend. When Joshua gets home tonight, I'm going to try to get out for a little while. Maybe we will both go out and take the boys to walk around somewhere... we'll see.
Last night, Joshua came home and told me he actually had very little to do. The teachers told them that they realized they were giving them too much to do and decided to spread out their assignments a little bit. Also, they are teaching fifth graders today, so they don't have any class time of their own. He had a two hour meeting last night to finish up their lesson plan, but that was it. I guess I could have gotten out of the room then, but what I wanted even more was just to spend some time with my husband. He was exhausted, too, and I just didn't want to leave him alone with the boys the first time he got a little break.
I think he is excited about his lesson plan today. He is teaching fifth graders about the physics of sound- vibrations, volume, and pitch. He is playing his electric guitar for them today, and that is the part he is excited about.
The babies are doing well. They are to the point where they would much rather be playing on the floor than in their exersaucers, which is nice now that they can sit up. They smile and laugh and are all-around very pleasant. They make all of this totally worth it.
Well, that's about all I have. :) I'll try to keep you updated, but there really isn't a WHOLE lot going on.
Thanks. We do appreciate it.