Thursday, July 15, 2010

Had a bad day.

Well, Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty wonderful. I achieved my goal of thinking about the chief end of man very early in my day-- not quite as soon as I woke up, but I don't have a lot of thoughts until I get into a hot shower. So, in my shower, I've been thinking about my chief end, and that has changed my perspective on a lot of things. I've also got Joshua reminding me throughout the day, which is helpful and not at all obnoxious. ;)

I knew today, however, was going to be harder. I opened with my manager this morning, who is not exactly a positive person. I had a feeling when I woke up this morning that I might be tested today, but I prayed about it, asked my husband to pray about it, and had an excellent start to my morning.

When I got in the shower, Joshua got up too and started getting ready, which always makes me happy because it means I get to spend some time with him before I leave for work. Normally, I have to leave knowing that he is curled up in our warm bed, and I'm driving down Hampton Boulevard looking forward to a long day of yuppie downtown business types. But today, we chatted while we got ready, and then I realized I had enough time to go with him on his "morning ritual." Almost every morning, Joshua goes to 711 to get a croissant and coffee. I decided to drive down there with him, which was kind of fun at 4:30 AM, and I was able to kiss him goodbye from there and I drove to work happy. The whole way to work, I thanked Jesus that I have such a sweet man to share life with.

Then, I got to work. I hadn't been there 5 minutes before my manager started telling me that she was only going to give me two to three shifts a week now because I am pregnant and I can't work certain shifts when there is an order to put away because I can't lift things. She also had the audacity to tell me I was moving slower than I used to, which I later proved to her was not true, since the lady who is pregnant with twins was moving faster than she was during the rush today. Two to three shifts a week is not enough for me to keep my benefits. I started freaking out. I cried when I called Joshua on my ten, and I have NEVER cried at work before.

I got over it for the most part, even though I was still mad, and the day went on. During the rush, one of our regulars came in. She was talking on her cell phone and crying, but trying to mop up her tears with a tissue while she ordered. I saw her way down the line and marked her drink on a cup with a little note on it. It was simple and short because we were busy, but I wanted her to know that I noticed she was having a bad day and that someone cared. It was then that I realized that I was still there for a reason. As small as it may seem, I feel like that was my opportunity to glorify God this morning. He needed me to show love to Stacie, and if it meant that I had to work for a... you know... well, then, that's fine.

All of that said, I'm still not sure what I'm going to do about my job. Hopefully, a transfer is still possible. I've talked to some people at another starbucks in the area, and it's looking promising. God always takes care of me, so I'm actually not all that worried about it. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and I don't think you are slow. You are amazingly quick on your feet for someone walking for THREE!!! Hang in there.
