Friday, November 5, 2010

Week One- Check

My babies are now just a few hours short of being a week old, but I feel like they have been mine forever. Everyone has always told me about the love you begin to experience when you become a parent, but nothing anyone has ever told me can even begin to scratch the surface of the real thing. I don't think there is a way to put it into words.

My mom has been here all week, making everything so much easier. I haven't prepared one meal for myself, done one load of laundry (and she gets about three loads done a day), or cleaned one dirty dish. The other day, I said I was craving something sweet, and she went into the kitchen and found everything she needed to bake fresh cinnamon raison scones-- WITH ICING. Less than an hour later, I was eating the most delicious scone I've ever tasted and thinking, "Does she really have to leave? Ever?" It has been so wonderful having her, and honestly, I am a little nervous about her leaving. She has made it possible for me to focus completely on the boys and getting my body back into semi-normal condition. This morning we have been talking about what I need to do to keep track of all the things she has been doing for me once she leaves, and that has been a big help. I'm not quite as nervous as I was before we talked that out.

The boys don't really worry me. So far, they have been amazing babies. I'm more concerned about forgetting to do laundry and running out of receiving blankets or sleepers... or the dishes piling up or not planning meals ahead of time and ending up just getting fast food all the time. These home cooked meals this week have been amazing. I know I will get into a routine, though, and I have two more days to practice before she leaves.

Well, it has been a wonderful first week-- and now that the babies are here, I think I will have much more to write about, so hopefully this will be the first of many entries keeping you all informed about our life with the boys. Thank you for all the love and prayers! We have felt the effects of them this week for sure!